Friday, August 10, 2007

Thing 21: Podcasts

When I saw "Ask a Ninja" on the Maryland Libraries 2.0 task page, I was super excited. If you're having a bad day and you need a pick-me-up, just type in "Ask a Ninja" into a YouTube search and prepare to feel better than you did previously...

On to podcasting - this is something I've listened to off of iTunes a couple of times and I know there's a category on my iPod for these, but I haven't used it as much as I'd like to thus far. After searching through some podcast topics, I decided to add The Animation Podcast to my Bloglines account. Animation is a topic discussed quite a bit in our house, so this will help me keep up with the conversation. :)

One of the neatest things from attending the MLA conference was a podcasting station where you could give feedback on the conference. Robyn, James and I made a podcast on a session we attended and it was posted on the 2007 MLA conference wiki. I was going to see if I could try to post it here, but I can't seem to find it. At any rate, it was really neat to see how instant and easy it is to create a podcast.

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