Monday, August 27, 2007

LATI project: Starting to post my progress...

For my LATI project, I am going to create a traveling puppet show for Summer Reading Club 2008. Over the past six months, a few colleagues of mine and I created a puppet show, "The Gruffalo," and we traveled to the various branches in our county to perform our show. The puppet show was well-received and we loved putting it on for many children in Frederick County.
I'd like to keep the tradition, while making a few changes.
With the traveling puppet show, I plan on sticking to our Summer Reading Club theme for 2008, "Catch the Reading Bug @ Your Library."
I plan on creating a script from a bug-themed story, recording the dialogue, gathering all of the necessarily props for the puppet show, and including activities to encourage audience participation (action songs, fingerplays, movement activities). This traveling puppet show will fit into a box (Rubbermaid tub) and can travel around to the different branches. Branches who request the box will be able to open it up, review the materials, and present the show without too much preparation.
One of the suggestions in our project assignment is to keep track of our progress. I plan on using my blog to do so. More to come!

1 comment:

Rachel {polkadots and puppies} said...

Oh my! This sounds simply wonderful.
Can't wait to see the show!
