Friday, August 10, 2007

Thing 20: YouTube

Thank you Mary Ann! I just happened to be hunting YouTube for a funny video, when Mary Ann came into the workroom and showed me this one. I apologize in advance, as you will probably get this song stuck in your head. :)

This 'lil diddy is library-related (Harry Potter = book = library = cool place to be = you get my drift). I think libraries could definitely take advantage of the YouTube phenomenon. Some ideas could include:

-a video showcasing the various branches with an overall welcome
-a video demonstrating how to use the catalog or how to request an interlibrary loan at home
-sharing video from an event, such as the Harry Potter party (and/or an advertisement leading up to an event)

Or a mixture of these rotating quarterly or so.

I know I'm a YouTube junkie, but come on...if someone saw a YouTube video on our homepage, chances are, they would probably click on it. It would also be in two places - YouTube and our homepage. Other than the resources needed for production, this is free marketing! :) Plus, it's keeping up with a current trend - and that, would definitely peak some interest in our patrons.

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