Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Great Googlie Ooglie!

Update: Google no longer offers this service. was so cool!

Wow! So I went to the training today that Kari and Trina gave on Google and...learned how to order pizza! Actually, we learned how to use Google Maps and a wicked cool feature where you can find a business and Google will actually call it over your home phone for you. It totally worked, too...we just called out for pizza. Rock on! Thanks ladies!


James said...

allow me to be manager-y for a moment-- great job transferring your learning to an everyday use. it's the only way it'll stick.

if you need more "learning opportunities," k and i will let you order another pizza via google next time we're over for a visit :)

Pint-size Bookworm said...

Sounds like a plan! We just won't order from the same place...their pizza -"not so much." :)

Rachel {polkadots and puppies} said...

I was uber-excited about this too! I did it last night and told my husband, who was not nearly as impressed as he should've been.

ILLBookbuyer said...

I even called my daughter in San Antonio to let her in on the little secret!