Monday, June 11, 2007

Thing 2: 7 1/2 Habits

I certainly have more than 7 1/2 habits...some good and some rather annoying, I'm sure. (Cracking my knuckles...not a positive habit.)

7 1/2 Lifelong Learning Habits is really what I'm referring to. This is part of a learning activity I'm taking part in through the Maryland Libraries Learning 2.0 - 23 Things project. Another part of this learning activity includes creating a blog and posting on it. Pretty neat! With the blog, we're to post feedback, ideas, etc. on our learning process with 23 Things.
So, here we go.

With the 7 1/2 Lifelong Learning Habits, I'm to choose which is the hardest and easiest habit for me. The hardest came to me pretty easily because I feel that it's one I try to tackle every day. "Using technology to your advantage" is a challenge to me, but a welcomed challenge. I love learning new technology whether it's how to create a blog (my's really not that hard!) or figuring out how to get my iPod to work with my car radio (without asking for help, I might add!). I really like that it's always changing...for real. What better way to keep learning? So, while this is my hardest, it's one of my favorites.

The easiest habit for me is to "view problems as challenges." I don't care for the word problem. Challenge --sure! Doesn't it sound like a lot more fun to deal with a challenge than a problem? Think about it: If someone came up to you and said, "_____, we've got a problem here." Isn't that more frightening than "______, we have a challenge here." For me--challenge is better. Easier? Probably not, but more interesting to tackle. :)

1 comment:

Lesa said...

I easily believe that of you, Julie. You're such an upbeat positive person. Nice blog! - Lesa