Thursday, June 14, 2007

Pretty neat...

I must say, this blogging thing is pretty neat.
On a non-work note, I've been looking at various blogs over the past few days and wanted to let you know of one, if you're interested in art, design, furniture, jewelry, etc.
Pretty cool...


Kari M. said...

ooooOOOooooo...pretty stuff.

Lesa said...

Your blog looks great!

Instead of providing the URL to the site for people to copy and re-enter manually, you can actually create a LINK to the site.

While writing or editing your blog posting, just type the word " designsponge", for example, then drag over it with your mouse, click on the hyperlink button (looks like a world with a link on it) and then type or paste the URL into the field ( - and voila!

Now people can just click on your link and go directly to it.

- Lesa

Pint-size Bookworm said...

Thanks for the tip, Lesa!

Rachel {polkadots and puppies} said...

I know and LOVE that blog. It's a daily for me. :) Lots of eye candy there.

Rachel {polkadots and puppies} said...

Oh, and have you seen this one?